Customer Testimonials

We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients achieve the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:

What Our Customers Say About Us

We care what our customers think of us and so should you. We are partners in your business and your success is ours.

Our experience with ultimate home lending was fantastic. They delivered an unbelievable rate for our refinance. They were open and professional every step of the way. I can recommend them without reservation


Cannot recommend Oscar enough! He took care of everything and explained the whole process so well. Purchasing a house was daunting, but he walked me through each step. Best mortgage guy around!

Isabel O.

Bridget and her team were incredible to work with. We had what felt like a complicated situation with moving across the state to a new build, and Bridget was professional and dedicated through it all. She was able to work with our complications and did so with grace, understanding, and support!

Haley Kapp

Bridget was an amazing mortgage loan officer for me. I had concerns since I had a pending H1-B visa and she was able to get me my loan for my house! She's responsive and proactive. Super pleasant to work with. She was able to lock me in on my rate which proved to be such a blessing, when interest rates rose almost a full percentage by the time I closed.

Angel Zhong

Bridget did an amazing job with my home refinance. She was very attentive and very personable. She did a great job communicating the entire process and making it a smooth and easy refinance. Great rate and great overall cost as well! I would highly recommend her to anyone and would use her again in the future!

Ian Hawkins


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